He Loved Performing Merits But He Also Liked Cock and Fish Fighting, Where Did He Go After Death?
The head man of the village and an ancient herbal doctor, who cured patients with herbs. He was so nice; he loved cultivating merits, went to the temple, rescued poor people, and was sincere and enterprising. He was like a hero in every matter. Contrarily, his bad habit was that he loved gambling such as boat racing and cock and fish fighting. What was the image that appeared in his mind just before he passed away? Where is he after death?
Case studiesThe Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony in Africa A.D. 2024
Join us in Africa for the MahaKathin Mahakaldan Kathin Ceremony to support Buddhist teachings and merit-making. Participate in the robe offerings at Wat Phra Dhammakaya Johannesburg and Wat Putth Cape Town in 2024.
มหันตภัยโซเชียลมีเดีย ความหมายของ โซเชียลมีเดีย กับ โซเชียลเน็ตเวิร์ค เเตกต่างกันอย่างไร? ทำไมคนถึงใช้ social media เเละ social Network กันมากขนาดนี้ ทำไมเป็นที่นิยม คำกล่าวที่ว่า social media ทรงพลังมากกว่าที่คิด เรื่องราวเป็นอย่างไร? โรคภัยต่างๆที่เกิดกับคนใช้ social media คำกล่าวที่ว่า social media ทรงพลังมากกว่าที่คิด เรื่องราวเป็นอย่างไร?
Review รายการVery Poor
Example of stinginess of a woman who is an underground lottery dealer. In the past she had a good living lifestyle but she didn’t take care of her parents or her relatives even they were in a difficulty situation. After that she broke due to her business of underground lottery. Even in the last time of her life, she didn’t even have a coffin. There was only a mat to wrap her body before burning. How is her life after death? DMC has the answers.
Case studiesMother Still Cares
Not knowing the truth of life is extremely dangerous and because of this she made many errors before she got to know Wat Phra Dhammakaya. The DMC channel made us aware of the truth of life. This is fundamental because to lead a wrong life is more painful than not being alive.
Case studiesGenerosity # 1
“A tree that yields fruit and shade not only will be called a beneficial tree, it will receive great care
MeditationPhoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
Case studiesYou Are My Everything
At a silent night, when my father was drinking in that unfinished house, he suddenly cried in suffering and wriggled as if he was being harmed. When my mother met him, he was already dead. His whole body was bruised, and nobody could tell the cause of his death
Case studiesA Floating City
He was ordained as a novice 3 times and during his last ordination he was firmly determined to lead a monastic life all his life even though at that time he was in grade 8th. He said even though he had to be there all by himself he could do that; as he was ordained he didn’t want to disrobe because he had Nibbana as the goal and he would not feel lonely.He wanted to stay there, he wanted to meditate and disseminate the teachings of the Lord Buddha.
Case studiesMagic Over Sciences
A story of a man who was a very likable, sensitive, and kind kid and turned to be so overtly fascinated with magic when he grown up. He followed one of a magician master to study more on magic and disappeared for 3 years since then. His mom really missed and worried about him. Is he still alive? Are magic acts considered deceiving acts? Is it a proper profession according to Buddhism?
Case studies